Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Trek

The Interns at the Himalayan Glacier Mountains

 The Team - Interns + Franks Family
 Glacier Mountains 

 Snow on the mountain top =)

 At the Top 

 Heading Back from the Trek

Just got back from the trek with the office and ended up getting 13,600ft above sea level. I was able to go on the first hike EVER, and up the Himalayan Mountain to check out the snow glaciers that we are able to see every day from the office. It was a great experience and we were able to see God's creations. Hiking up was fun because we did it in the rain, and for the final night we slept under the stars since the weather was clear. Lucky for us we had a mountain sheep dog that traveled with us all the way up and guarded us all night long. Basically, it barked all night long waking us up every hour allowing us to see the stars. Clearest sky I've ever seen. As a reward, whenever the dog slept on us or on our sleeping bag and barked, we picked up our shoes, hit it, and told it to go away and stop barking because it was keeping everyone up.

I'll be heading to Rajastan, Western part of India tomorrow morning at 3:00am, and then traveling around there until the 20th. From the 20th I'll be going to Goa (South India) and then heading home on the 31st of May. I'm not sure how internet connections will be where I'm going, or if I'll even have internet but I'll be sure to try and keep this updated and keep up with y'all.

See you soon,


1 comment:

  1. cute kid and amazing view! i love how the kid is looking at you guys like you're nuts.

    have a safe adventure!!
