Saturday, January 15, 2011

So it begins!

First of all, thanks to everyone for the support that you've given me with fund raising, prayer and also the encouraging words that you gave me before I left. The parties were great! and I'll be sure to return the favor when I get back. A quick update with the support funds: I'm very thankful to have great friends and family that would support me as much as you all have. I'm pretty much paid off for the funds and will be paying the rest off myself. Any contributions above and beyond that will go towards the EMI who will put it to great use in their ministry.

The morning today began with the flight out from Buffalo Airport this morning at 8:00am. Therefore, waking up at around 6 to get ready and ensuring to arrive much earlier than 8am. The flight had multiple transfers, a total of around 9 hours and unfortunately, no food =(. Upon arrival was also an interesting experience. Imagine, stepping out of a plane and then not being able to breathe at all. . yup! that was me =). I was quite excited to see the mountains in this area but obviously more shocked by the altitude change. It took about 2 minutes to adjust slightly, but then it kicked back in when I started walking again.

Here's the first view of Colorado from the airport.

The dorm that we're staying at is surprisingly mansion-like. From the description, they mentioned that it was supposed to be like a bunker with a few dorms. But when we drove up it was like a typical house that you'd be able to find on Bridle Path. The backyard is huge and there's about 3 outdoor jacuzzi's, a ping pong table, an out door beach volleyball area set up and multiple meeting/family rooms. Today was just an orientation and getting to know people so we had to get to know everyone's name. Originally, I thought that there would be 26 people going to India, but it turns out that there are 26 interns altogether - 3 Interns going to India and the rest in other areas such as Egypt, Uganda, Colorado, Calgary and Costa Rica. The week is pretty packed with regards to the schedule so I'll keep you updated again as I continue through the week and when I get into India.


  1. Hi!
    Good to know you're safe, happy and excited to serve :)
    You will do great things in India!
    I will be praying for you.

    Keep us posted :)

  2. oh right...altitude...we have altitude adjustment pills at home, which we used in china pretty effectively. didn't even think about that one! haha...oh well, dizziness and lack of oxygen just adds the adventure. glad you made it safely!
